Freitag, 27. Februar 2009


In the meantime I'm back from Uganda for almost a week. It's quite difficult to put impressions and experiences into words. Nevertheless I try to write down some lines:

Because of my studies I couldn't go for more than two weeks and I thought it wouldn't be worth to travel that far for such a short time. But now I see this from a different point of view. Due to the huge amount of impressions and the complet different African culture it was quite enough :-)

All in all Uganda was really worth to visit. The White Nile is a nice river for kayaking and playboaters will find some awesome playspots. Water temperature is about 27°C, sunshine all day long and an unique wildlife beside the river impressed me. Not to mention the friendly people. I've never seen kids running after you just to shout "Jambo, Jambo!". They're just happy to see tourists. I guess to them it's a welcome change to see a "Muzungo" (word for white person).

The river itself offers some nice rapids. The good thing is, that after every rapid there's a pool. If something goes wrong your mates can pick up the pieces at the bottom of the rapid :-) To surf "Nile Special" was really cool even though they said that the waterlevel is to low for running "Special" perfectly. I didn't care to run it at bad waterlevel - I would be happy to have a shity Nile Special at home.

Some friends of mine which have been to Uganda before told me, that "Hairy Lemon" gets boring after some days. At this point I should mention, that "Hairy Lemon" is a small Island at the end of the day 2 section. Wow, I've never seen such a cozy place. There's nothing beside some lazy kayakers. No cars, no planes - just quitness. Well, quitness is maybe the wrong word if you consider the noise of the Cicadas and frogs early in the morning... And I guess it was the first time I found time to read an entire book to the end. That should make it clear how relaxing "Hairy Lemon" was.

If you want to go kayaking on the White Nile and paddle the top section you should go there soon. I'm not a construction engineer but it seems to me that the dam in construction for an electrical power plant is widely advanced. The shuttel from the international airport at Entebbe to Bujagali I booked on The guys from KTN are really friendly and helpful.

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