Sonntag, 16. März 2008


To get an invitation for the Teva Tour 2008 is a big honor to me. When I started kayaking I always watched “Full On”. In this video there is a sequence about the TEVA Tour 1997. At that time I couldn’t imagine to be once part of a group consisting of some of the best white water kayakers in Europe.

For this ten days trip through Europe I have to stay away from my studies. Probably I have to catch up quite a lot when I’m back but I’m sure it will be worth.

I can hardly wait until May when the tour starts in Italy. I would like to thank Arnd Schäftlein, Caspar van Kalmthout and TEVA which make this dream come true to me.

Samstag, 8. März 2008

Counting the days…

The days will become longer as spring begins. The birds are singing and tweeting and I can hardly await to get back on the water. Until then I’m working on my physical condition and dreaming about the coming season...