Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008

Weather is not that important...

For all these guys out there who don't have the possibility right now to leave the northern hemisphere. I'm with you;-)

Sonntag, 31. August 2008

Thun River Jam

Meanwhile the River Jam 2008 is over... It was a great event with perfect conditions. The weather couldn't be better and the wave was quite nice. The competitors showed some strong rides with plenty of action.

To mention the legendary party at the Cafe Bar Mokka. I guess some paddlers were still drunk during their final runs today;-)

Thanks to Simon Hirter for this nice event! Below some pictures from the TRJ 2008.

My new helmet:-)

Samstag, 19. Juli 2008

Movie trailer of the TEVA TOUR 2008

During May the TEVA Tour 2008 took place in Europe. Invited were 15 international kayakers which were travelling through five countries within 14 days. The whole trip was filmed and documented by a profesional filmcrew ( Now the movie trailer came out last week. The final movie will be released in September.

Have a look and get a first impression about the TEVA Tour 2008;-)

Samstag, 24. Mai 2008


The TEVATOUR 2008 is over and I'm already back to school. What a difference between today and two weeks ago! But my mind is still filled with countless memories of beautiful rivers and exciting moments.

The start of the Tour was on May 12th after the TEVA Mountaingames at Sesia. The crew consisted of 15 international kayakers, 2 videofilmers, 1 photographer and the organizers. The first days we spent in the valley of Sesia. There we paddlet the Egua. One of the steppest runnable rivers for kayaking in Europe.

On Tuesday evening we drove to Avegno in Switzerland and on Wednesday we paddled the Verzasca at brilliant sunshine and crystal clear water.

On Thursday we drove up to the put-in for the Melezza. Unfortunately we couldn't paddle it because of high water danger caused by a hydraulic plant. So we decided to paddle the Ribo. A classic River with a 15m drop at the beginning.

Friday we left the camp at Avegno and drove towards north. By the Schöllenen gorge we stopped and some of the guys paddlet the first two drops of the "Devils gorge".

In the evening we arrived at Elm where the "Straight Down Striit" race took place. On Saturday the race started with plenty of water. I had some good races but didn't make it into the finals. Sam Sutton, the kiwi boy, was way to fast and dropped me out of the race. By the end Ron Fischer won the "Straight down Striit" again as last year. The whole TEVA team did very well at the race and so we were partying far into the night.

After a great breakfast on Sunday morning we drove further to Versam. Despite the cold temperatures the whole crew went for a short run on the Vorderrhein. Even the camera crew joined us with a raft. The camp at Carrera offered spectacular views through the Vorderrhein valley.

On Monday we paddled the Medelserrhein. A small creek with some nice drops.

Tuesday was quite exciting. It was still raining when we drove up to the Valserrhein. Pat Keller from the United States and Sam Sutton from New Zealand decided to paddle a 25m meter drop. We stood down at the bottom of the big drop for safety. We couldn't see anything of the descent. Everything went so quickly. Pat paddled first followed by Sam. Unfortunately Sam bit through his lips and needed 5 stiches at the hospital. Nevertheless I was quite happy when both of them were down without serious injuries.

After the cold days we went to the indoor swimming pool at Chur to relax before we drove to Bregenz for the last day. Unfortunately I had to leave the groupe by Wednesday evening because I had to go back tu study on Thursday.

The last two weeks were just amazing! It was not just all about paddling. It was the whole trip with the whole groupe which I realy estimated. I would like to thank TEVA, Barry, Kris, Arnd, Casper and especially DLD which made this all possible to me!

All pictures by Thilo Brunner ( For more pictures check out

Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008

Ready for the TEVA TOUR 2008

Finally the time has come... Tomorrow I'm starting my two weeks kayaking trip through Europe. Together with my team mate Ron Fischer we're going to drive south towards Italy tomorrow evening. First of all we will compete at the TEVA EXTREME MOUNTAIN GAMES next weekend.

Afterwards the TEVA TOUR starts on Monday. The official website will be updated frequently with pictures and information about the upcoming tour.


Mittwoch, 23. April 2008


After heavy rainfall during the last days the river gauges rose up. When I woke up this morning I hoped the "Badi-Wehr" in Brugg would start working in the afternoon. During lunchtime my friend Ciccio wrote me a text message and informed me that the "Badi-Wehr" is working:-)

Below some impressions which I took after my fingers were frozen from paddling:-)

Sonntag, 16. März 2008


To get an invitation for the Teva Tour 2008 is a big honor to me. When I started kayaking I always watched “Full On”. In this video there is a sequence about the TEVA Tour 1997. At that time I couldn’t imagine to be once part of a group consisting of some of the best white water kayakers in Europe.

For this ten days trip through Europe I have to stay away from my studies. Probably I have to catch up quite a lot when I’m back but I’m sure it will be worth.

I can hardly wait until May when the tour starts in Italy. I would like to thank Arnd Schäftlein, Caspar van Kalmthout and TEVA which make this dream come true to me.

Samstag, 8. März 2008

Counting the days…

The days will become longer as spring begins. The birds are singing and tweeting and I can hardly await to get back on the water. Until then I’m working on my physical condition and dreaming about the coming season...